About me:

I'm from Serbia and I finished Medical High School in Cuprija in 2017. I did volunteer work for six months and got my medical license as a practical nurse but realized it was not for me. I like programming and I'm trying to be good at it. Finished HTML, and CSS course on Freecodecamp, learned JavaScript and SCSS from W3School and all my projects are from Frontend Mentor. Hopefully, you liked my website. I will update this page as soon as I learn something new!

My Projects:

Time Tracking web page project created by author of this page
Time Tracking Dashbord Project
Social Media Dashbor web page project created by author of this page
Social Media Dashbord Project
Article Preview web page project created by author of this page
Article Preview Project
interactive pricing component wep bage project created by author of this page
Interactive Pricing Component Project
advice generator web aplication project created by author of this page
Advice Generator Project
crowfunding product web page project created by author of this page
Crowdfunding Product Page Project
fylo laning web page project created by author of this page
Fylo Landing Page Project
base apperal coming soon web page project created by author of this page
Base Apparel Coming Soon Project
expenses chart web page project created by author of this page
Expenses Chart Project
nft preview card web page project created by author of this page
NFT Preview Card Project